Friday, November 14, 2014

Home Early

Corey came home today. We both thought he was going to arrive on Saturday, cause he usually schedules his flights home to depart on Friday and arrive Saturday. He double checked it on Thursday and saw that his flight was leaving at 12 a.m. on Friday, so early Friday morning Brazil time, like 7 pm here. He was going to be home Friday! That was a nice surprise (he might have planned it, He did email me his itinerary, but I didn't look closely at it. We both just like to keep our heads down and try to plow through the time and not pay attention to details until it's time to) So I'm glad he noticed it in time to catch his flight and was very happy to pick him up today instead of tomorrow afternoon. Yay! We're so glad when Corey is home, and everything is right in the world~ I was glad to capture this delightful moment this afternoon - Ethan was in the other room doing homework, and everyone else was together in the front room - Mel, Hyrum, Wesley, Abi, Lily and Sophi ALL playing together in a cute game of Calico Critters. Corey and Joseph were talking music or something.
When Corey and I are grandparents, I've already go it planned (pending we're in this house) that the boys and girls rooms where they sleep right now are going to be boys and girl play rooms: the boys room with have all the legos neatly organized with finished creations displayed on the shelves. The girls room will be a Calico Critters town with all the little houses and furniture. It will be all neat and organized when there are no grandkids in sight, to anxiously await the grandkids arrival and the messes that come with it. Cute toys, love Calico critteres and of course we're all lego fans here too.
Natalie was going back and forth between the two hubs of activity. She's becoming quite the busy body herself.

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