Thursday, November 13, 2014

Going a Little Crazy

Yesterday was bad. Not bad if I have perspective, but bad when I'm feeling like focusing on my first world problems. 
There's Natalie in my bathroom last night. House is a mess, I'm just on survival mode. I hate Wednesdays. The kids were busy right after school with scouts, and I was taking Joseph and Ethan to band, so no one was going to be home for Abi and Lily after school, so I was scrambling calling a few neighbors to see if they could grab my kids at the bus stop cause I was gone. Got that worked out, but I just hate Wednesdays - I had kids in 5 different places at the same time. Then after band and scouts was done, we have a rushed dinner and they're off again - Joseph, Mel and Ethan to the church for Young Men and Young Women activities. 8:30 we're all home and now they get to start homework and music practice. I cut them off early at 9:15 and said they had to pause for scriptures, cause I needed to go to bed and end this day. Scriptures and prayer and they kept plugging away doing their thing and I went into my closet to try and breathe for a few minutes. But then Natalie found me and so we went to bed. Ugh. Glad today is over. 

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