Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Read Good Books Together

Hyrum started reading Wesley's library book, and then started to read it out loud, and the kids could hardly help themselves from coming to listen.
I love moments like that. See, if you do reading right, the kids should naturally gravitate to the story. There's got to be a story, not just a re-hashing of words that a beginner is trying to learn. Makes me wish I were homeschooling them or that we were living away in Costa Rica again where life was simple and we read books together at night more often. This week we read together, on Monday for FHE Corey shared a little bit of the book "The Fate of the Persecutors of the Prophet Joseph Smith" - the kids didn't want him to stop (he was reading an intense part - similar to this version but not told in the first person like at that link there). I'm making it a goal for us to read together more.

"The observance of four simple things on the part of parents would in a generation or two turn our societies around in terms of their moral values. They are simply these: Let parents and children (1) teach and learn goodness together, (2) work together, (3) read good books together, and (4) pray together." - President Gordon B. Hinckley

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