Friday, November 28, 2014

Turkey Fruit Plate

So yesterday Corey took the kids swimming again and I stayed in the room to make turkey heads for a little holiday treat I had planned. 
I got some of the ideas for how to do this via pinterest, but this was my own creation!
We had them for a lunch snack while they waited for our turkey feast to finish cooking.  
Items needed:
  • red icing
  • candy corn
  • mini oreos
  • Nutter Butter cookies
  • chocolate chips
  • graham crackers
  • pretzel sticks
  • regular pretzels
  • white frosting
  • fruits of choice (we used raspberries, blue berries, red grapes, green grapes, and bananas)
I made the heads and then let the kids do the rest and personalize their plates. Here's how I made the heads:

Get a nutter butter cookie - put a glob of red icing on it, stick the candy corn in that and let it dry
To help the candy corns not slide off the icing, I just propped them up on each other or a spoon handle. They dried quickly. Then I put on the mini oreo eyes by breaking off a small piece of graham cracker to hold up the front eye.
Put a bit of icing on that as glue
then break a mini oreo in half until you find two good halves and put the far eye down first, and then the front eye:
Then put a chocolate chip on each cookie for the pupil and viola~ Turkey heads!
I had one example for the kids to see, so they could know where we were going with this.We made the turkey bodies with graham crackers, just cut off the corners to make it kinda rounded. Put a little frosting on a piece of cracker behind the head to keep it level.
Frosting as the glue behind the pretzels made good turkey legs and feet.
This turkey was our demo and then served to Corey and his little friends Natalie and Sophi.
So after showing the crew the how to of this holiday treat, I put the fruit, pretzels, and frosting on the table and let the kids go to town.
Wesley was the first one finished. Good job buddy!
Next was Melodie
Joseph said his turkey was out in a snowstorm, hence his excuse for slathering it in white frosting.
His brothers thought it was brilliant and followed suit. Actually Ethan said his turkey had a white bear, it was a wise Gandalf turkey.
Hyrum's turkey:
Lily's turkey:
Abi's turkey - her turkey was running away, didn't want to be eaten!
Happy Thanksgiving!!

1 comment:

  1. Abi's turkey makes me laugh. I hope she didn't eat it, it looks so terrified ;)
