Monday, December 1, 2014

Lily's First Tooth

Lily lost a tooth for the very first time on Friday night. "It's my first time my tooth got loose!" I didn't even know it was loose. But I did know that she is my tough little 5 year old. She said she pulled it out cause she didn't want me to...
Now, Lily, I just do that with your big older brother (Hyrum) and sister (Abi) when I'm tired of hearing them cry about their tooth, but I promise I won't do anything unless I keep hearing about it. If I heard about it and it's causing any unnecessary excess of noise around here, well then I gotta pin 'em down and remove the cause of misery. But you don't need to worry as long as I don't hear complaining about it. Hyrum recently had two molars that were loose that bothered him when he played the saxophone and they were sooo loose it was just ridiculous, so yes, I did pin him down and he screamed while I got it out (glad he didn't bite me). Lily is really a tough little girl. Slivers - she can handle it (end of world for Abi)  Gotta clip your toe nails? Lily will hold still (Can someone help me pin down Hyrum? just kidding, he's brave enough to do that on his own, but it was hard when he was little, he doesn't want me touching his toes) Fingernail falling off from being slammed in a door - no bandaid necessary, "I'm fine, I'm fine..." You're my tough Little Lily. And cheers to the tooth fairy who remembered for the first time ever to swap out her tooth on the first night! Go me, I like setting alarms on my phone, so handy. I took her to the store in her pjs and with her bed head hair and let her look around to buy something with her "dollar bill" and didn't spend forever deciding, she saw the MnMs and grabbed them, and bought them with her "dollar bill".
Love you Lily! Thanks for being so easy on me.

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