Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Sophi had a fever Sunday night. I put a bit of peppermint essential oil on her feet. She seemed to have some pimples on her legs the next day and today most of them were gone but there were like 5 still there that were large and looked like big white heads, but other than that her fever is gone and she's been playing sweetly and back to her normal meek and perfect little self. Well other than a really long nap today. Sophi, are you meek?
And then last night Natalie had a fever. Put some peppermint on her feet too and she's been fine and seems totally back to normal today, other than she's been a little too docile.
Which has helped Sophia have a better day since Natalie is not picking on her. Instead  of teasing and hitting, Natalie has been rather affectionate and caring! Sophi still has a wary eye though as Natalie leaned in to give her a kiss as she lay defenseless on the couch...
Natalie and Sophi have got a reverse pecking order thing going on. Natalie is just as busy as a puppy, out exploring the world and all it's cause and effects... and always appears interested and amused at Sophi's reactions when she hits her with a hair brush, or goes after her toys. Isn't that right, Natalie? "Who, me? Troublemaker??"
Yes you are! So it's been nice to have Natalie out of her tazmanian devil modus operandi today and I've been loving and laughing at how tame she's become all of a sudden. It's pretty fun, Sophi has liked it too.

I keep thinking I need to have a sick log book around here where I can keep track of who catches what cold or fever and when and what we did that helped, cause I'm sure it's lots of the same bugs that come around each year and I usually can't remember what to do. It's nice that the winter has been mild so far. I like skiing fine, so I'm okay with it falling in the mountains, but here in the valley, I'm perfectly happy to not have snow to shovel or slick roads to drive around in. 

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