Thursday, December 4, 2014

My Bear Lake Baby

Last week on Friday, before we drove back to Salt Lake, we drove around to the east shore of Bear Lake, just taking in all it's beauty. It really is such a beautiful lake - it was so turquoise and pretty. Before turning around to head home, we found a place to park and let the kids go explore near the water. It was too windy for Sophia and Lily, they stayed in the car with Corey most of the time. I went out with Natalie. I woke her up from her car nap to come see the lake.
She was probably still a little sleepy, which might have helped her in looking and acting as perfectly sweet as ever.

And I know I have other children, but I was just so busy enjoying Natalie that unfortunately I didn't document them and their discoveries.
Sigh, Natalie, can you get any more beautiful?
I enjoyed just watching her watch the little waves lap against the rocks.
I'm in heaven.
Those cheeks! Those eye lashes! Those little lips - just perfect.
I could look at her all day. But that gets a little tricky with moral life. Maybe... someday... probably in the next life. Ok, I guess it's time to head back home to reality.
Then Ethan came and asked to borrow my camera. He said there was an awesome rock that he just had to get a picture of. 
Then he took lots of other pictures of rocks. What a weirdo, don't know where he gets that from!
Luckily he also snapped these two of his siblings.
Again, it is just a beautiful lake and area. It was a calm and quiet and simple Thanksgiving holiday that we all enjoyed very much. So nice to have a break from school and band and all the hustle and bustle of each day. :)

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