Monday, December 29, 2014

Hanging Out at the Cabin

On Saturday we went up to Brighton to have a lazy day with friends at their cabin. 
We didn't have plans to ski, but the kids came prepped for sledding and digging snow caves. Our cars don't have 4 wheel so we can't drive up the hill to the cabin, so we parked at the ski parking lot and walked. I had the kids wear their gear. Even Natalie suited up, and there is not much in this world that is cuter than a toddler in snow gear. 
Natalie had us all giggling as she toddled around with her little self all poofed out even more with her snow pants. Love it.
We headed up around 1:30 and stayed until 9 pm. It was a nice short and cold walk up to their cabin. (The kids want us to get a cabin.) 
Over the road and through the trees to the cabin we go. We had to walk for like 10 minutes.
I told the kids they were just like pioneers, cause they walked in snow in freezing temperature for 10 minutes too. Once we got in to the cabin, the kids didn't want to go outside, they were too cold, so they snuggled up on the couch and watched the rest of the movie with their friends while they warmed up.
The kids all spent most the rest of the day playing board and card games.
And eating sugar cookies and cookie pizza
and more card games... Egyptian rescue, slap jack, solitaire....
Natalie was being a clown. 
And the kids played more and more games.
Joseph liked this one, Stratego. It's on his birthday wish list now. He said it's kinda like Chess, but you can't see what the pieces are, so you don't know what move they can make against you.
So the boys liked that one, and Sophi liked sitting in the baby chair in the kitchen.
She just sat there from her little perch looking around. Funny. But seemed to enjoy herself.
Everyone's new favorite game was Telestrations. We grown ups were over in the kitchen by the fire shooting the breeze and we'd hear the kids busting up laughing, it was cute to hear them all having fun and playing nicely together.
We feel very blessed to have such great friends, the parents and the kids, we all enjoy each other's company and have a good time. We're going up again for New Years Eve. We're all looking forward to it!

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