Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Morning Sickness Miracle

So last week, on Christmas eve, we told the kids the big news: another baby is on the way. They are all very excited, so excited that they are all praying for twins. Uh oh. I guess we'll see if their childlike faith delivers on that, yikes. I'm due the end of July. We found out on December 4th. So, a little bit of boring pregnancy details... As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I pulled out my calendars and logs from pregnancies of years past and began to calculate to help me brace myself for the coming months of torture. A little bit of research showed that when I was expecting Sophi, morning sickness hit me hard during week 7. So, that would be December 15th. I tried to take care of essential tasks and Christmas errands while I still had energy.

Sure enough, on Tuesday the 16th it hit me like a brick wall and I was curled up bed just trying to breathe. And I was not looking forward to the next month of this. Nor did I know how our family could even function over the next 5 weeks with me out of commission. And I lay in bed wondering and asking ~ why does this happen? What causes morning sickness? There has to be some help out there somewhere, some old wives tale treatment? Anything? I can't believe that pregnant pioneer women were able to walk across the plains feeling like this, so maybe they knew or did something that helped them so they didn't feel like this.

I gave the essential oils I have on hand a try - Digest Zen helped a little to curb the urge to vomit. Lemon was also nice to smell, helped with the symptoms I was feeling, but no real treatment of the cause.

Then in my web surfing as I lay horizontal in bed that Tuesday afternoon, I came upon this heavenly advice: Mommypotamus says Magnesium is the cure.

I had some trace minerals on hand that I use for diet (recommended by the Mars and Venus Diet Solution to make "activated water") but that I hadn't been using for a while, and 40 drops of that gives 63% of Daily Magnesium. They say to start with 10 drops and work your way up to 40, but I just went for the full 40 drops mixed with water and the juice of one lemon.
AND THEN GUESS WHAT! The next day, Wednesday, I didn't feel great, BUT>> I didn't feel horrible!! I didn't have to lie down and take a nap or curl into the fetal position! I was able to load the dishwasher! I was vertical! I felt like it was already a miracle. I've been taking 40+ drops a day since and I seriously feel like it's been a miracle. I don't feel great, like compared to normal, but I was able (I think) to keep the fact that I felt ill from pregnancy hidden from family and the kids, ha! I was able to help wrap presents with a smile, even though I didn't feel great. Like I said, I don't feel great or normal, but I feel 200% better now compared with how I've felt during the first trimesters of my last 9 pregnancies. And I think that's saying something.

And that is amazing to me. So I'm telling everyone I know that I feel tolerable and it's all because of wonderful Magnesium in trace minerals. I also did buy some Magnesium oil (not the same brand that Mommypotamus recommends, but still had good reviews), but haven't been using it consistently, so I can't testify to the miracle of that. But as for Trace Minerals, go tell your pregnant girlfriends to give it a try, and I hope it works for them too.