Monday, December 8, 2014

Ice Rink - Take Two

Corey is in Brazil again. This time it's just for a week. He left yesterday and will be back on Saturday. Before he left, he had to get something taken care of in the neighbors yard... he had to start something similar to something he did last year ~ remember this? Yes, he's at it again. He spent around 7 hours pushing dirt.
Corey admitted that he really doesn't know what he's doing, but after 6 hours he thinks he got the hang of it and it went well and "felt" productive the last hour. Of course then it was too dark to do or see anything, so he just had to call it good. Again, not that he really knows what he's doing. But it looks like he's doing something. We'll have to wait for when the water goes on to see if it's actually level. He enjoyed playing on the mini skidster and even let Joseph take it for a whirl.
Everyone needs a partner in crime. 
Corey's dad came over and helped too - they were sawing boards and staple gunning things. The plan for this years rink is better with boards instead of pvc pipes. Corey's sure it will turn out better this second time around. They've still got some work to do, and hope that they can get it done before snow and freezing temperatures come. ...Fingers crossed that the cold weather will actually come? Utah weather is known for being inconsistent... This has been a very warm December so far. Last year when Corey started the rink, it was at about the same time, only the temperature was in the single digits and the ground was frozen. They were out there drilling holes in the dirt for the pvc pipes to fit into. Yes, it should go better this year. Last year was a rough draft. And the warm weather made the "make the dirt flat" part easier this time around. Last year he was done by January, so that's the goal again.  Have fun playing in the sandbox, boys!

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