Friday, December 5, 2014

Leading the Way

We took Lily out to the bus stop today. Natalie didn't want to wait at the stop, so she started to head out somewhere, I don't know where. I don't think she knew either, but she was very confident as she ventured out into the great unknown with her little baby steps. Luckily she was walking in the direction that the bus would come from, so the bus driver would have to drive past us and she wouldn't miss it, so that's not a problem, so we followed Natalie.

After the bus came, Natalie continued to wander here and there and everywhere. Everytime I tried to direct her in the way I wanted to go, she shook her head and brushed her little hand at me, waving for me to get out of her way. So we did that for like 20 minutes, then I'd almost had enough, so I picked her up and put her on the sidewalk across the street and pointed her toward home. Luckily it threw off her scent a little bit and she actually started walking toward home, hooray!

Then we stopped at the sewer drain and stood there for a minute, and that was fun...
then the other metal disc thingy in the middle of the street, that one was so interesting with all it's little dots!!!
And then up and down a few more driveways.
Natalie, you are an adorable little person. It was fun, and I kept wondering what was going on in her little head.

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