Friday, December 19, 2014

Lazy Days

Still got a bit of a sick bug floating around the house. Wesley called me almost right after he got to school today to tell me he threw up in class. Doh. Luckily it wasn't very much since he didn't eat breakfast cause he didn't feel good. I should have taken that for a sign and made him stay home. But he didn't want to cause it was his week to be spotlighted in class, he's the "Prince" of the week in King's Castle (his teacher's name is Mrs. King) and there's been something special for him to do each day, like stamp everyone's binders. He has taken it very seriously and of course couldn't miss school. Plus he had a report he had to do in from of the class today. Now it's been a few hours, and since he's eaten something and feels better, he's been begging me to take him back. Sorry buddy, you're stuck here with me. I know kids just hate missing the last day of school before Christmas break, huh. Abi missed it last year, I feel for ya.

I felt sick Monday and Tuesday but have been feeling a lot better. Never threw up, so we'll see if I got skipped or if it's gonna hit me again. I was glad when Natalie would take a nap with me on the couch, wedged in between me and the back cushion. Nice way to spend an afternoon while Sophi played with her Duplo legos on the floor.
Looking forward to Christmas break and having everyone home!!

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