Monday, December 22, 2014

Yogurt Pie

We had a yogurt pie for dessert last night. Yogurt pies are a creation I remember loving from my childhood. They are simple too. You get a graham cracker crust, yogurt, and whipped cream. Mix the whipped cream and yogurt together, pour into the graham cracker crust, and freeze. The kids love it. And the left over yogurt mixture gave me a snack for Natalie to practice her fine motor skills with. 
Let's see how you do at feeding yourself. 
She used her little blue spoon at the beginning, until there wasn't enough in the bowl to make that effort worthwhile, so that was when she moved on to her digits.

Yogurt and whipped cream is a good mixture for her to practice on, cause it's not so heavy that falls off the spoon as quickly as just yogurt does.
Yogurt by itself falls off the spoon on their shirt front right before reaching their mouth. But the cream makes it lighter, and it worked great.
Kept her busy long enough for me to load the dishwasher without her emptying it as I loaded it, and there wasn't too much to clean up on the high chair afterwards, just two cute little hands and a cute little face.

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