Thursday, December 11, 2014

Mel's Birthday Eve

Tomorrow is Melodie's birthday. It's also 14 years from the day that Al Gore conceded the Presidency to Bush, just in case you didn't know that history tid-bit. I remember watching his concession from the hospital. Actually it was on the 13th. You know you're getting old when you're able to say things like that.... So anyway, I'm printing pictures to put up on the wall around the kitchen table. I don't have anything digital until 2006, so I've been going through the old scrapooks, from my former life when I actually did scrapbook, and have been taking pictures of them to print. Here is her original birthday. She and Joseph are Irish twins, meaning they were born the same year: Joseph in January, Melodie in December. When I checked in to the hospital before her birth, they were asking me all their questions, and asked "Any other children?" Yes. "What year were they born?" 2000. "...2000? (brief pause) This year?" Yeah, in January. "Wow! We've never had that before!" So I was glad we were able to add something new and exciting to their routine deliveries that day.
As I was going through the scrapbooks, I decided to take pictures of the birth day and birthdays of Joseph, Ethan, Hyrum, and Wesley too, to save me time when their b-days start coming around. Joseph is next month. He's turned out pretty good given how much he startled me as a newborn. Poor little thing...
Well, I wasn't startled, but "I was a little bit ...concerned..." (- said like the kid on Princess Bride). It wasn't at all like I expected, being my first child and all. I didn't know they come out looking so hammered. He was our little old troll man. After a month or two post delivery, when I saw that Joseph was turning out to be a real cutie, I learned that how they look on labor day doesn't mean they're branded for life. It was just a rough day for little Joe, and it's okay to have bad days.  The other kids look better in their newborn hospital photos (no offense Joe).  Cute kids
Joseph, Melodie, and Ethan had a Christmas Concert at school last night. Corey's parents helped out again a ton this week with Corey gone, and they picked Joseph and Ethan up from school yesterday, took them to their band practice in American Fork, then took them back to school for their concert.
Are these my three babies? Crazy to notice the years of the past have flown by, which might mean that the years of the present have a good chance of flying by too. But it's fun to see them all growing up to be such great young men and young ladies. Love these kids.

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