Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Potty Training Week

When Corey leaves the country on business, I usually have some project or thing I want to get done - like my first DIY or just trying to get things clean and organized. This trip Corey had a request, he asked if I would potty train Sophi. Sigh - begin positive self talk - You can do this Tiff!! Are you ready for this, Soph? Your father is imposing progress upon you.
It's been on his wish list for her since January - his goal/resolution for her for the new year was "Independence". Well, since it appears that we're in December now, I guess it's my last month to deliver on that goal for him. She turned 3 in September, so she's old enough, and I talked with a few other mom's at church on Sunday who have kids her age, and some of them are trained, so I conceded to bite the bullet and make this my focus this week. And my little Sophi has done great. 5 accidents Monday and no success, but none of the messes were on the carpet, so I was happy. And she put on underwear without a fuss. Tuesday - She started off with a successful first morning pee, then apparently didn't want to not be able to relax for a whole 'nother day, and she held a diaper and cried for me to put it on for about 10 minutes. "Diiiiapppper!!!" Still, she had 3 out of 5 successes, a good improvement! Unfortunately both accidents were on the carpet that I just got washed two weeks ago, oh well. It was going to happen eventually. Today it's 3:18 and she's 1 for 1. Might sound impressive, but she's barely been awake for 4 hours - she slept in till past 11:00. (Her older siblings keep her and all of us up way too late...)

...then later today ~ yay! I made her sit on the potty a few times with nothing to show for it, then around 4:45 she came and got me and told me she needed to go, and she did sit and she did go! Sophi! I think you've about got it down, good job little girl! We cheer for her and tell her good job and she sweetly and shyly says "Tank you~". She has the cutest little voice. Good job Sophi, thanks for making this easy on me! I think she's got #1 mastered, #2 hopefully will soon follow suit.

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