Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Eve 2014

We went up to Brighton today for big family party and New Years sleepover, just like last year (New Year's Eve 2013 and New Years Day 2014). Corey didn't go with us, as he was home sick with a major man cold, and thus his last request of this life was for me to leave him behind, but to not stop until I reached Zion. And to raise his children well.

But before he said that he told me to leave the little girls home with him, since it would be too much for me, cause it's hard to watch so many kids, plus I've got morning sickness right now, right? Thankfully not, thanks to my magnesium miracle. He looked about like how I remember feeling during all my past first trimesters. So me being sick and pregnant was one reason he asked me not to take all the kids. The other reason was that I only have room for 7 kids in the van. But since he was laying totally incapacitated for the better part of the afternoon, I decided he was in no position to be in charge of caring for anyone's needs since he couldn't even care for his own (I said as I put a straw of ice water to his lips).  I called others who were going up and two of them had room for one kid, so that took care of step 1: getting us all up there.

Step 2: Food. I was in charge of eggs, a treat, and a salad. I ran a quick grocery errand to get 5 dozen eggs and all the ingredients for a yummy spinach salad and for a big party sized bowl of Party popcorn. Then we were ready to go. We didn't have plans to go skiing, which turned out to be a good since Corey was out of commission. Other people went skiing. The kids would have liked to go. Next time.
Abi had been pretty sick with a cough this whole week, but really really didn't want to miss out on the fun. So she came and I gave a disclaimer about her health as did all the other parents ~ we all had a lot of kids coughing. 
I don't think she felt all that great, but she's still smiling. Lily and Sophi were coughing but still had energy. Natalie was TERRIBLE the whole time, super clingy, she had a fever, I kept serving her up the infant tylenol and she spent most of her time on my hip with her hand tightly wrapped around my neck... (she was not her normal happy self. Poor kid...)
Or she was asleep on me, using me as her body pillow. Not the best nights sleep I've had, but I can handle it (cause I got magnesium!)
Melodie and her friends~
Ethan photo bombing as I prepped the timer for the group photo:
The kids played games, watched movies, and we had a ball. At midnight everyone tooted horns and cheered. We took a group photo - doesn't that look like a big fun group for a slumber party? Good times.