Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Unofficial Christmas Card Greetings

Tonight we had carolers come by for the 3rd time. Abi was in tears yesterday cause she missed it (she had to change clothes since they had just been playing a game where she was the boy and of course you can't be seen like that in a dress shirt and tie and everything... she changed quickly, but by the time she came down the stairs they were on their way to the next house. She was a wee bit inconsolable for a half hour...)

So anyway, Abi wants us to go caroling. I don't think it's gonna happen. It's a nice idea, but it's cold out there and we got little kids that would make it hard for them and hence for us. Maybe the older kids could? I guess we usually divide and conquer anyway. Still, not very likely to happen. Our last caroler were wonderful neighbors and they brought by treats too. And a holiday greeting card with it's family update. Then Ethan started giving us a hard time about doing a family card, cause we keep getting them in the mail... "Where is ours? You guys are slackers!!" I told him I've done pretty good for the past 10 years, but now I blog, and so people know what's going on with us if they want to know. And I did pass out Christmas treats last year, thank you very much. That wasn't too hard... I still have the gift bags I used, we could do that again on short Christmas Eve notice... I'd just have to run to the store in the morning for white chocolate chips and pretzels and a few other items. That might help us save face.  Ethan continued to tell us we had to do a card, and came up with all sort of ideas of what we could wear and what we could do. It's a little late to get those done in time for Christmas, but there's time for a New Year's Greetings card I guess... Corey told him to be our guest, you want a card done, you go right ahead. And then lookey here what Ethan did - He came to the computer and whipped this out. Not bad Eth.
Not a totally recent picture, but it could do. I still don't know that we'll print them up and mail them, but I'll post it here and share it on my facebook. Does that count as a half effort? Hey, we do what we can. Er,.. we'll do what we can with what you did. Although I guess to make it official I need to give a 2014 sum up or something of that sort? Hmm. I told the kids to go to bed, so that's not something I want to do right now. It will have to wait, I shall send out our "official" Holiday Greetings Card later.

(Ethan's had a class at school on photoshopping and he's got a good knack for it. He made a birthday card for Melodie (that I'll post here when I find it) and has made coloring books for his little sisters for Christmas with printed and a few photoshopped Disney princesses. This boy may come in handy for next year's holiday card, knock on wood.)

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