Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Elasha's Salad

Up at the New Years' gathering with our friends, Elasha made a lovely salad that I loved. I preferred it to mine and I think I ate most of it, as it was hitting the slight case of pregnancy nausea I had. And I like to name recipes I love after the people that introduced them to me, such as my Sue Snyder salad, and Kelly Cloud's banana bread (made that today too). So here are the simple ingredients to this delicious salad recipe:

  • Romaine lettuce
  • red onion, diced small
  • mandarin oranges
  • Brianna's Blush Wine Vinaigrette
  • Feta Cheese
  • Toasted (or candied) almonds

So good. I went to the store after we got home cause I needed more. We've had it several times since then, and today I mixed it up and used strawberries instead of the mandarin oranges. Corey didn't eat much of the main dish at dinner time cause he kept refilling his plate with several second helpings of the salad. Tasty stuff, Brianna's dressings and feta cheese are now on my regular shopping list. Mmm!