Thursday, January 22, 2015

Hockey Night

The good news: the ice rink is finally ready!

The bad news: Corey's leaving for Brazil tomorrow and will be out of town all next week. Other bad news: the weather forecast is going to be pretty warm next week, possibly getting up to 54 on Monday... Will the ice last until he gets back? We hope so, but in case it doesn't, Corey and the kids went out for a late game while they had the chance. I should have gone out to take some decent pictures. They were too busy playing and this was the only picture Corey returned with:
Pretty sure that's Joseph. They played for almost 2 hours, and the game ended after Ethan took a fall and got a bad bump on his head. I gave Ethan head massage after they got in, he was in heaven. "This is even better than a back rub!" He has now put scalp massages on his list of things he wants his future wife to do for him. I told him he should also start working on a list of things he will do for his future wife, cause it should go both ways. ;)