Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Sick House

This is what it looked like around our house today:
Joseph and Melodie went to school, but Ethan woke up with a fever and stayed home (texted me at 6 and woke up Natalie, who I was being a body pillow for again). Hyrum went to school but came home saying he felt sick all day, and then he took a three hour nap.
Wesley and Abi both stayed home again. They missed yesterday too
Lily woke up at 6:30 this morning with her energy returned. She stayed home from school yesterday but went today. Glad she's feeling better.

And I'm very thankful that Natalie and Sophi are feeling better. Sophi is a low maintenance sick person, but Natalie.... it feels like I've been holding Natalie 24/7 since New Year's Eve. I'm very very glad she's feeling better, cause now I have a little bit of my freedom back. Abi talked to Corey earlier this morning, she had asked him for a blessing last night, but it was a little late to call around for another priesthood holder to come over. He apologized to Abi this morning and we called my dad for him to come over today.
He came over tonight after Corey got home, around 8:30, and then we all lined up for priesthood blessings for the sick. Nice to have my dad here. Joseph said he felt a little sick at school today to, so everyone got received a blessing except for Melodie, who somehow has escaped unscathed yet again, lucky duck. 

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