Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Time for Eye Exams

Abi has been laying around the house in different locations over the past few days, and during one of her transfers yesterday, she left her glasses on the stairs. ...Where they got stepped on and broken in half. Those were her 2nd pair to break, so she's now using an old prescription pair of glasses. Which was what prompted our decision to go get eye exams today for the sick kids at home - might be easier to do two kids at a time rather than all four?

Abi was thankfully up and walking around a little bit today, so that was an improvement, and I thought the sunshine might do her good. (Probably just enough good to offset the harm the poor air quality did...) And Hyrum was a little better too, so after promising to not breathe on the ophthalmologist we made quick appointments online and left after Lily went to kindergarten. Look at Abi, she's even smiling! That's a good improvement! There's the Abi we all know and love.
They both passed their exams, eyes look good, and they survived the "puff of air" test, whatever it is that does, totally funny to do that, so suspenseful! And we also thought of Brian Regan the whole time "Are these my glasses!?!?" as they did the exam, their big lense things made the kids look like some of Wall-E's friends...
Hyrum ready to go~
In the waiting room again. Luckily it wasn't a long wait.
Natalie preferred to climb around on the chairs rather than play with the toys.
And then over to try on frames.
Natalie loved trying on the glasses too. Which frames to you want, little girl?
She likes how these ones fit.
You look good Nat!
And she knows it!

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