Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Surviving Hitler

I'm still sick with a cough. Energy is okay, but I'm sick of being sick and am really sick of this cough. Morning sickness is better than average and I'm hopeful it will go away entirely soon. So, I spent a lot of today reading. My mom got us this book for Christmas. Corey read it over New Years Eve when he was on his sick bed. I am almost done with it too, I started on Sunday when I stayed home from church with little sick girls.
Gives me some perspective, if he can deal with war and she could deal with starvation and slave labor in a Auschwitz, seems like I should be able to be grateful in my circumstances, right? Yes. So, here is an interview with the author that was done in October, and great reviews on Amazon. I've loved the book, and I love Gustav and Agnes and their opposite but similar stories of survival and going forward with life, the bad and the good, trusting in a higher power. They show such faith, I'm adding them to my heroes list. I want to be like them. Highly recommend this book!

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