Monday, January 12, 2015

Patriarchal Blessing

Last night we had an experience that I have been looking forward to for a long time. Joseph received his patriarchal blessing. (Read here about what a patriarchal blessing is.) It was awesome. We've talked for a few years about what a patriarchal blessing is but, despite me being excited, we couldn't just take them to get it cause we want to - we have to wait until they want it and seek it. So last month, the bishop of our ward took aside each of the youth during class and encouraged them to prepare to receive their blessings. After that, with my full and eager support, he set up an appointment with the bishop around new years and got his recommend and then set it up a time with the stake patriarch for the 11th after his birthday.

So a patriarchal blessing is a personal thing, and this one isn't even my personal - it's Joseph's, so I especially can't go blabbing about it. But I will say, after the blessing was given by our Stake Patriarch, the first thing he said to Joseph was "Wow, He really likes you!" I am so excited for Joseph, for him to learn more about the awesome valiant spirit that he is, and I'm excited for the future! Joseph is going to do great things, there is no reason to fear the future or the "end of the world" if we have faith in Jesus Christ and his goodness. :)

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