Monday, February 9, 2015

Brazil Plans

So we are going to Brazil. And we're going next month, six weeks from today. I, personally, am excited to have an adventure to help pass the long months of expecting, which always go by way too slowly. We'll come back in July before I'm due, my OB is good with it. And for the kid's braces, the orthodontist says it's no problem either. So yay! Those are the first people we wanted to check with. School we're assuming is okay, as is their band group.

When we first started toying with the idea, we told Joseph and Ethan, who had concerns about missing school and band, that they were free to stay if they wanted. Mel also would have been given permission to choose, but she was already packing her bags. Joseph and Ethan, after careful pondering and consideration, have both chosen to stay and have our blessing. So they'll be staying with Corey's parents and having their own new and memorable experience from March to June and then will join us in Brazil for a few weeks after school is done. So that's what we have planned so far. And, another great thing, our awesome landlords are ok with us coming back here, so we don't even have to pack up the house. So things are just awesome and all the details are being worked out. Over the top blessings from the Lord yet again. Feeling grateful.