Tuesday, February 10, 2015

More Orthodontics

Last Thursday, Hyrum went in for his orthodontic consultation. He'll need braces, but gets to wait until his canine teeth come in.
We had fun taking pictures of their funny faces again.

Then today Joseph went in. He had a few teeth on bottom that were not straight that bothered him - mostly the looks of it. I didn't think he'd need a lot of work. Not so...
He's got lower crowding, but they'd have to expand the top to keep the bite of the top teeth in line with the bottom teeth, so Mr. Joseph was told he needs to have braces on top and bottom for 18-24 months.
Yikes. Looks like you get $5000 worth of braces instead of a car, sorry big guy. As they took Joseph to get the x-rays, I was looking at the before and after of teeth. I haven't had braces, but maybe I should get a consultation too. And maybe Corey should get braces too - he's got lower crowding like Joseph. Heck, lets just all get braces! Joseph said he'd prefer to get invisalign. I told him he's welcome to, but he'd have to pay the difference in cost ($900 more). I am slightly amazed by the cost of braces and the like... These orthodontists, they got a pretty good racket going on here. You should be an orthodontist Joseph. It's all fun and pretty, no life threatening emergencies like ER or medial doctors, no ugly cavities or root canals like regular dentists, just making teeth straight and being able to provide employment for all your dental assistants, nice and cushy job just making people feel happy about their smile!
Joseph did a really good job making faces I thought.
I told him he should use this one below to send to girls who are interested in him and want a picture. Haha
Or this one...
Or this. Yes, my name is Joseph and I'm1 quite the looker, just look at my selfie!
Well, so since Joseph's cost more than Wesley's (Wes' are only $2K) we haven't pushed go yet. Might need to see where the funds will come from first. Thus is life with kids.