Thursday, March 12, 2015


Yesterday after we took Lily to the bus stop, Sophi didn't want to walk back home. She wanted to go "that way" and pointed the opposite direction from our home. She got Natalie to go along with her, so I had to go along with her too. I let them keep choosing which way we went. They are slow little walkers, and we spent an hour walking around the block and walking around the circle... we walked up people's drive ways... 
...we sat on the curb...
Such a simple life! We looked at leaves, we chased leaves (windy day)...
...we ripped apart leaves, we picked up stuff that had been blown out of the recycling bins, and we spent an hour just exploring the world.  
Finally we made it back to our corner and lucky for me, they walked toward home, phew! I survived! But honsetly I wanted to fall asleep the whole time. Just too peaceful and relaxing? Or cause I'm recovering from daylight saving still? No, I'm pretty sure it's anemia again. blast.
And they were holding hands of their own initiative ~ how cute are they?! Oh Natalie, she's cute and she knows it!
I am usually anemic during pregnancy, at least the last few ones that I still vaguely remember. During this go around, I've been taking an iron pill now and then when I remember, but this week I guess my lack of iron caught up with me. I wanted to blame my complete lack of energy on the daylight saving time change, and that worked through Wednesday, but then today I could tell I wasn't tired ~ I went to bed early and woke up early and wasn't sleepy but still had nooo energy, just let me collapse somewhere. It helped that Natalie had a slight fever last night and today just wanted to snuggle, so that's what we've done today and I was able to blame my lack of productivity on her. 

But now I'll be good at take my two iron pills a day per doctor's orders. sigh. But I hate taking iron cause of it's mean side effect. I guess I'll have to focus on that "prevention" paragraph and eat my veggies. I'm hoping I'm able to do better on diet in Brazil, cause I think I've gained enough weight.