Friday, March 13, 2015

"This Is Our Last..."

Today the kids were excited to go to school, cause it was their "last" Friday at school! Next Friday, the older kids don't have school, so we're just having Thursday be everyone's last day and next Friday we'll be enjoying a long last weekend before Brazil.

Wednesday, when I took Joseph and Ethan to band, they told me next week they don't have practice, and I realized... "That means today was THE LAST TIME I'll take you to band!!" We're counting our lasts. Abi had her last violin lesson yesterday, today is Mel's last flute lesson, tomorrow is the last orchestra practice. I am so looking forward to having a nice long break from all the hustle and running around of music practices and school. It is going to be so nice to just spend all day with the kids, we get a nice long summer break, starting in 10 days! I'm really excited to get reacquainted with the rest of my kids. Not that I don't love spending 24/7 with this little face and having her consume all my attention. Time for me to share the joy!
Poor Ethan and Joseph, they are going to miss you Natalie! Joseph hasn't mentioned his thoughts about it, but Ethan's told me several times "It is going to be so sad not to see you guys!" and then he'll go squeeze his baby sister with an "...especially NATALIE!!!" We'll have to do lots of Skype calls. They'll be her virtual brothers.
Do you like Natalie's hair? She'll find Abi's "rainbow loom" elastics all over the house and then come hand them to me with a quick turn about, beckoning me to put them in her hair. She's a cutie. I'd miss you too if I didn't see you for 10 weeks. How did we ever live without you?