Thursday, March 26, 2015

Real Time Report

Hello! I've been away from a computer since we left home on Monday, but no one would ever know it if I didn't just mention it, cause when I get a chance today I'm going to go back in time via the little "schedule" button here on blogger here to pretend I wrote up and reported everything that has happened so far. Nothing dramatic or important, but still fun to keep a semi-detailed record of.

Later (7 pm) ~ Well, I finished reporting the past 3 days around 2. Then took a short nap. As for today, Corey's been at the theme park with his parents and the kids today, minus Lily, Sophi, and Natalie who stayed here with me. We just got back from swimming.
They are cute little fish. 
So sad, I can't decide which pictures I like best, so just have to post them all.
There's Sophi striking her "I'm a beautiful mermaid" pose. She's had a really bad cold sore on her upper lip. And some canker sores in her mouth too - her breath is really bad. Poor thing. Today it's finally out of the big scab stage and entered the "bleed at the slightest touch" stage. But it does look better.
Natalie! I love your little face, you little monster.
She's been a good one year old this trip. Today she dumped out a big carton of goldfish crackers all over the floor. Yesterday it was the Malt o Meal bag of apple jack knock off cereal. So nice.
 What do you have to say for yourself, little person?
Lily's discovered the freedom of arm floaties. 
Just in time. They are going to have a good time swimming at the pool in Brazil.
So today has been our last day in Florida together. In the wee hours of the morning tomorrow, Joseph and Ethan and Corey's parents head back to reality and school and life, while the rest of us leave for Brazil tomorrow evening after a 3+ hour drive to Miami. I hope Natalie sleeps on the plane this time...