Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Universal Studios

So here I go with too many pictures.... 

Yesterday, after we all crashed for a good nights' sleep, we woke up and had breakfast around noon. Then Corey did a little bit of work while the girls' colored.

Joseph doing some reading homework, such a good student. 
Then we were off to Universal Studios for more fun. We spent most of the day there. The kids fought a triceratops on the big screen and then got eaten by T-rex. Here's what it really looked like~ 
 But here is what they saw and imagined~
Lily getting trampled by the Triceratops while Ethan is impaled
 Hyrum trying to avenge his brother's and sister's deaths
 Then T-rex comes and eats everyone.
Then we begin the adventure ~ But first, a break to eat some clementines. "Why don't we eat somethin' then we'll go and get somethin' to eat?" (1:06
Ok, now we'll go into the park.
Theme park photos are usually a lot of pictures of the backs of heads.
The little kids got maps and led the way. 
 They led us to Daigon Alley. 
After walking around, our first ride was the train to Hogwarts.
Abi and Lily wanted a picture with this guy. They didn't know who he was, but everyone else was getting their picture taken with him, so they wanted to too.
 Next, we were finally in line for some butterbeer. This is what we came for...
It lived us to Ethan's expectations.
Tastes like cream soda with a little bit of root beer. Ethan let us know that it's supposed to taste like hot chocolate. But we liked it anyway, hit the spot. Then Abi and Lily wanted to go swimming, so I took them back to the hotel. Say "bye" Harry Potter world!
I made them some dinner, then they ate while I went through luggage to find the swim suit bin. Found it in the second bin I opened. Get your suits on
We went swimming from 8:45 to 10:15, and were headed back to the room at the same time that the rest of the group got back from Universal. Then Abi went swimming again with Mel, Hy, and Wes until the pool closed at 11. Then it was back to bed to crash so we can do it all over again tomorrow!

The next morning ~

The older boys had said they were going to wake up at 7:30 so we could get to the park early before the crowds, but they didn't. Around 11 they stumbled through our door looking for cereal. After eating we got ready to go. Corey stayed home with Sophi and Natalie, and I went with Corey's parents and the first 7 kids to the park. We had another fun day - it was really nice to not have to worry about losing Natalie and Sophi, and I didn't have to push around a stroller or carry a diaper bag either! It was really nice. The older kids headed out on their own ~
 Not you, Abi, you're staying with us. Wes, you get going. Have fun.
Good bye, my little semi-independent children. 
 Where should we go? 
 You lead the way, little girls...
First let's stop and take a picture at every photo op place they have
Ok, that's enough. We went to Seuss landing. It was hot outside, but not unbearable.
Down the slide, more photos ~ 

 Then more backs of heads
We went on the shaded carousel
Then into the Cat and the Hat ride - nice air conditioned air in there, ahhh. Over to One fish two fish - I let Lily drive our fish. She got me wet.
Got herself wet too. 
 Look, there's me! The person behind the camera. With a big wet belly.
 They talked to the fountain for a few minutes while they had an apple break near the Sinbad ride.
Then we went to the Flight of the Hippogriff. The nice couple in front of us said yes to taking Lily and Abi with them, since "expectant mothers should not ride".
It was a super short ride, but they loved it and wanted to go again.
 So we went in line again. This time the people in front and in back of us didn't seem like they could accompany them, so I didn't ask, and thought maybe I'd try my luck... I strategically place my purse and camera and park map to hide my tummy, and trusted they wouldn't be brave enough to say or ask anything - perhaps they know the "No matter how big the womb, you never assume" rule. I got on the kiddie roller coaster no problem. Besides, it didn't say I absolutely couldn't go on it, it said "should" not. So I got on, I got to ride with Lily, Abi got to go by herself! She was excited about that!
The complaint that Abi gave the day before was that she didn't even get to go on any rides. So today, after she rode on a ride, she was ready to leave. I talked them into going to "Poseidon's Fury" cause it sounded like something fun and exciting. Plus, there was no height restriction or expectant mothers prohibitions on that. But it was a stupid standing tour. We stood in line forever to get in, then went in and stood, then went into another room and stood, again and again as we watched some hi tech graphics and shots of fire coming out of rocks... I thought it was a simulated ride, thought for sure that we'd atleast be able to sit down. Ugh, after that I was done too. I called Corey to see if he could come get us, but Natalie was taking a nap, so we got a bite to eat and tried to just make it another hour or so. "Dad can't come get us yet, Abi,, so let's go on another ride or two. Abi, don't you want to go on another ride?"
And that was the blank stare into the distance that was her reply. They bartered and traded their treats. "I'll give you some chips for some cookie..."
"I'll give you this much cookie for two chips..."
 Then we shared a "smoothie"
It's nice to have cell phones when you go to the theme park. We were able to meet up with the older kids at Harry Potter world and we all went on the flight of the hippogriff together. Even me again (shh!) It was fun and hit the spot.
 The older kids took Abi on the Hogwarts ride and Lily and I waited.
 Then off to Jurassic Park~
The older 3 boys left us to go on the Harry Potter dragon ride, but Wes was too short for that one, and Mel was tired, so we went on the Jurassic Park splash ride. That was fun.
Lily didn't like it so much, too scary. But she won the "wet" award. I was a close second.
The dryer in the bathroom helped us dry off a little - "feel the power" of that air blower! We thought it was kinda funny to see it move our skin.
We met up again with the boys - they got more wet than us on Ripsaw Falls. They got Grandpa to go with them.
Lily and Abi had stayed for an extra 2 hours, so at 7:30 Corey picked us up and we headed home to go swimming.
It was a fun day. Corey is swimming with them right now. Tomorrow he's going to go to the park and I'm going to stay home with Sophi and Natalie. Then Joseph, Ethan, Grandma and Grandpa head back to Utah early Friday morning, and we drive to Miami to catch our flight to Campinas that evening.