Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Saturday Soccer Game

On Saturday the kids had a major soccer game going on in the back yard. I was on the roof retrieving one of Abi's shoes that got thrown up there last fall, and from my elevated vantage point, took a few pictures of the action.
It was a beautiful day. There was lots of cheering and shouting, it was the happy sound of kids in springtime. Corey joined in the fun and after talking smack it soon turned into a "Brother Wride vs. all the neighborhood kids" face off. I ran out with Mel to do a quick errand, we were gone maybe 15 minutes, and as we pulled into the garage, Corey was pulling in behind us with cones and some half gallons of sherbet in a grocery sack. Apparently he bet them ice cream, and said with dismay "They beat me!" Him playing with them reminded me of the mom from the uber sentimental and contrived song of my youth "I'll build you a rainbow" - the mom who played football with the kids while all the other moms were too busy doing their fashion shows, boo!!) I'm the boo-on-you busy mom, and that's why I'm glad I got a better half like Corey. He's the mom from that song. Only he's a guy and he's not going to be laying on his death bed on a random day after school. (I like this parody of it) So whenever Corey's being a little too over the top fun and incredible with the kids, I'll give him an appreciative hug of gratitude and say "I'll build you a rainbow..."

So, it looked like the party was just starting ~ I went inside and there were lots of kids on the couch ready to cash in. They had settled down to watch a movie while Corey ran to the store, but I called the party short since my mom came over ~ had to do an early b-day celebration for Ethan since my mom was going to be gone on his big day. I sent the kids off with instructions that they could return in an hour. No one came back though, but surely they did not forget. Monday after school let out, I had a steady stream of children coming to collect payment. Corey's such a fun dad making memories for all these little people. I think everyone is going to miss us while we're gone, cause we're the life of a party.
Lily and her friend playing "zebra family" and below, Joseph and his friend earning money from Corey by testing movies. That's what the older kids do for "fun".
Hope our neighbors' kids don't miss us too much and that my kids don't get bored in Brazil. I'm sure they'll all experience a little homesickness - like we had our first week in Costa Rica in 2010. But it will all be a happy memory before we know it.