Monday, April 27, 2015

Ultimate Tag

Last evening the kids and Corey enjoyed a awesome game of Ultimate Tag. It was a serious game. And it's a lot of fun here with all these kids and with all the doors that this house has! 
Here is a little diagram I made of the house on top of the google earth picture of it to an attempt to show why this game was so epic.
There are like (one... two... three...) TEN entrances/exits between the house and the yard. And when you're running around inside the house ya got a ton of options as well. I watched from the back yard from the covered patio area just north of the pool. And they ran round and round, where they stopped, no body knows!
They'd go in the house on one side, and then there was no telling where they were going to come out from. And we had a little moving obstacle too - watch out for Natalie pushing the stroller.
You're automatically "it" if you knock over the Natalie obstacle or make her cry. She was just pushing the stroller round and round the tag routes.
When the kids would come by and not have anyone hot on their trail, they'd pause for a brief moment and try to pant out as they attempted to catch their breath: "THIS IS SO FUN!"
Wesley was all red faced. Melodie said her legs were so tired she thought she might be sore. When Corey was it, he would give a good intimidating yell or scream to scare his prey to let him know they were about to be caught...
 They loved that part. 
They were always on the move except for then they attempted to hide in a dead end bathroom or no-exit closet. That sometimes proved a good strategy, but it was also pretty risky to put yourself in a no departure zone (the dead end red dots on the map). And I learned it's hard to get a good photo of people playing tag.
I moved out from under the pool patio to see if I could get some good shots of the action from other places - here is looking at the patio from over by our bedroom door to the outside.
Here is looking south from close to the same place - Corey is in pursuit of Melodie...
He caught her and threw her over his shoulders like a caveman, I could see her legs flailing through the window. Looking north again toward our bedroom patio. I love all the green and plants here.
They had such a fun time playing with Corey, and I think it was an activity that he enjoyed too, cause they're not running toward him asking to sit on his lap or be held (no fun to hold hot little bodies when we're so hot!) ...instead they're running away from him! Good way to have a break and keep them happy at the same time.