Saturday, April 25, 2015

Saturday Thoughts

I went to the temple this morning. It was great. I felt like I was home. This is not my real home, here on earth (Shannon's Life Lessons #2) but in the temple today... I really felt like I was home.
And what a miracle too. Since I kinda follow Mormon things in the news, I've heard and read about some people who have left the church or been excommunicated the past two years, and I have some friends who I've reconnected with since our high school reunion who I've learned have fallen away, and I don't know their reasons, but I also know that I have no doubt that this is God's work. Joseph Smith could not have made this up. Imagine trying to come up with a religious movement that would grow every year and 200 years in the future (today) have followers in all countries and of all cultures and so many diverse backgrounds. A temple in Campinas, Brazil! You try making up a story or religion that people from all over the world are passionate about. Not only passionate about, but that they TESTIFY is true, that it's real, it works miracles in their lives, it blesses their life and they testify of it's goodness and truth. I loved just watching all the people at the temple this morning. I believe that they know, just like I know. They're from Brazil, I'm from Utah, but we have this in common, and it's the most important thing in our lives. People will fall away if they have a "keyhole" vision of some aspect or person or teaching of the Church (as Elder Oaks explains in this talk - we reviewed that message this past Thursday for our scripture reading), but if they keep their eyes open on the whole panorama of it all - temples all over the world - branches and wards that are united and teach the same thing in Costa Rica, Chile, Brazil, every corner and nation of the world and you'll find the same hymns and scriptures and ordinances and testimonies about Christ and prophets that you'd find in Utah... When you take all that in and consider it, there's nothing else to do but wonder in awe. It's amazing. And I know it's all true and every good thing in my life has come because of trying to follow the teachings of Christ that I've learned through the scriptures and the prophets.

So, there's a quick attempt to try and capture those thoughts that have been on my mind the past week since we drove by the temple after church last Sunday.

What else did we do today? Corey took the kids across the street to the park - Parque Portugal - and they rode the swan paddle boats...
They checked out the little exercise park built for wheelchair bound people...
(I'm sure provided by some well intentioned politician)
(...wish they would have put more effort into making laws and regulations that would have let the package containing back up glasses for Hyrum that my mother tried to send twice get through customs ($90 each time) they sent it back both times, despite our calling them on the phone and giving them the information they needed... so stupid). And then they rode on the train and climbed on a freaky looking baby elephant (scary eyes!!)
And the part I'm sad I missed out on: they explored the pirate ship.
I wonder if this is a small boat or an accurate replica of typical boats explorers used... seems like it's kinda small - made me wonder how big the boat Nephi built was... think about it - they had atleast 7 couples, families with children, on that boat, plus food, maybe animals, and hopefully space for them to all sleep... Nephi, so impressed with him. What an adventure of a life he had. Anyway, so the kids had fun at the park with Corey.
And then one of the last events of the day - after they got home, the kids went swimming and I had my first time jumping in the pool to rescue Natalie. She fell in as she threw in a floatie. She was at the deep end close to where I was sitting and watching her. The kids were all at the more shallow end, I was watching her as she threw it in, as she'd done often with other floaties, and each time I thought "she's gonna lose her balance" and today she finally did, over she went, didn't hit the edge of the porch at all, it was a clean fall into the water. I jumped right in. We all stood in the pool, I just held her and waited for my heart to stop racing... the kids were all saying "Ohh!! Natalie!!! Poor Natalie!" and shared their thoughts with each other at how scared she looked through the water as they swam toward her (they always have their goggles on). She had a very sobered little look on her face.
I'm glad I didn't have my watch on, I would have ruined it. I always thought if I had my camera around my neck or my shoes on when a baby fell in the pool, I'd be able to whip them off and then jump in to rescue them, but I might not have thought of it. When she went over the edge, I just immediately jumped up and in to grab her and push her above water. Pretty scary. We'll see if we all have nightmares tonight of Natalie falling in the pool.

And last thing, tonight was my first time wanting to curse... after getting wet Natalie and I went to take a bath, and our hot water isn't working for some reason. We just ordered a new gas tank on Monday, so we know we have gas... pretty irritating. I waited for like 10 minutes letting it run, never got hot. So I went for a walk to try to calm down, got back, tried again 2 hours later hoping it would just magically work, and as I went to take a shower in the one bathroom I trust (shower in Lily's room)... and it didn't work. So I clenched my teeth and told myself I'd sleep well after cooling off so much. I have been hot all week, one night I could hardly stay asleep. A cold shower should sound good right? Maybe, but not when ya gotta do more than just a splash of water - I had to wash my hair cause I played lifeguard. It's okay, this too shall pass. :) Nephi probably didn't have a shower or warm water on the boat. I won't look through the keyhole of warm water when I look at our Brazil experience... Always keep a panorama perspective!