Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Hair Cut and Other Happenings

This past Sunday, we were all looking through old posts on the blog here and laughing at how adorably sweet little Natalie looked and just look at that little face! And Sophi, look at you! You're so little too! We happened upon this post, and we ooh and awed about how cute Sophi looked. We showed Sophi how she was wearing the dress that Natalie wears now (in picture 6) and... awe, look how cute you looked with short hair! Well, yesterday she started telling all of us how she doesn't want "big hair" anymore, "I never want big hair!" She wanted me to cut her hair. You really want me to cut your pretty hair?
But I like it long! True, I don't do anything with it, and you don't like me to brush it, you don't like the tangles... it would probably be easier... plus it's hot here. I guess having it long is not important enough to me to force it on you, but are you sure? You really want me to cut it? After telling us all day, before bed I got my scissors out and a chair. "You want Mommy cut your hair?" and she stood in front of me, ready as ever. Okay then... And now Sophi's got a new look. I admit, it's pretty cute on her.
Look in the mirror, Soph. What do you think? She said "I like a Joe?" I guess that means she has short hair like a boy? So I said "Uh huh!" Again she asked "I like a Joe?!" "Uh-huh!" Then she let me know it's okay for girls to have short hair with "I not like a Joe! I like a Fofi!"
Ya look good, Fofi. So that was that. Today we've all been ooh-ing and awe-ing over her new look, and Lily and Mel have been considering altering their hair length. We'll see.

A wonderful birthday surprise I got today - the Relief Society pres (need to remember her name) and Edna, who let me practice piano at her house last week, showed up unannounced with a piano keyboard for me! Total surprise, and made me so excited, so I get to practice all the time! Super excited. :) I ordered a Hymns made easy book and am sending it to Joseph and Ethan, with a challenge to see who can learn more of the simplified hymns by June.

Today Abi rescued a butterfly from the pool. She took care of it for a while, then we put it on a plant in the back yard where lots of butterflies like this flutter about.
Its wings looked pretty hammered, I don't think he's gonna make it long. We went to check on him after we put him on the plants but didn't see him there or on the ground anywhere. Poor butterfly.
Corey left today around 4 for Sao Paulo and will be home tomorrow night. He went for two reasons - one, for Movie Mouth - He and some of his team are flying out to Londrina tomorrow morning for a day of meetings and work stuff. And also, tonight they are attending a conference event on religious freedom that our neighbor is speaking at. Fun.

Last thing - before Corey left, he went to the church with the missionaries to set up the computer and projector for an activity tonight for new members and people investigating the church. We're watching 17 Miracles. I made a lot of microwave popcorn. The movie will be in English with Portuguese subtitles, so should be nice for us. I made little signs for the different flavors of popcorn.
Mel and Hyrum stayed home with Natalie and Lily and I took Wes, Abi, and Sophi to the movie.
We didn't have a huge turnout, but I think it was a pretty good activity. And I just love that movie, makes me cry to remember all they endured. I love Levi Savage, what a hero. We are so blessed to have temple blessings - the pioneers gave everything they had in an effort to receive them. I love Jesus Christ, my Savior and Redeemer of my soul. I love the song played in that movie. I hope that I will be chastened and tried and proved til I shall be in perfect harmony with His will.  I love to share the stories of the pioneers with my children.