Thursday, April 30, 2015

Rules and Regulations

Last night I skyped Corey as he was in Sao Paulo. I just messaged him to say goodnight before I headed to bed. It was 11:00. He was in Sao Pualo to attend a conference on Religious Freedom. So around 11:00 I thought the event would be done, but Corey told me he was still there and they were just sitting down for the dinner. Reminded me of this midnight dinner memory. I knew he had an early flight, like at 5 a.m., so told him to have fun staying up late and not getting sleep, glad it was him and not me. As for me, I wouldn't be taking my morning walk since he was gone, but I'll try my best to enjoy sleeping in.

Then Corey called 5 a.m and asked me if I could take a picture of his passport and visa and email it to him. He was at he airport and had a feeling he might need it. So I got up, took some pictures and sent it to him and then went back to bed. 9:00 we were all still enjoying our slumber and appreciating a cool morning (aah ~ 64 degrees!) When there was a ring at the front gate. I answered the gate phone, and it was Corey asking if I had $10 Reais. He needed a little more to pay his cab driver. Why, Corey, I didn't expect you home until late this evening! But alas, the passport photos were no good, neither was his driver's license. Not good enough of identification for him to fly domestically. Movie Mouth had been planning this trip for a few months and spent a lot on getting tickets and changing tickets and such, he thought it was stupid and kicked himself for not having his passport, and then asked if he could take a nap. And slept until 2, then took another nap from 4-8. He was feeling a little sick. But he's been working a ton, I think it was good for him to have a day to crash and catch his breath.

I think it was dumb they wouldn't let him on the plane. Just seems a bit unreasonable, he had ID. We've had another silly problem with Brazil rules and regulations this past month by way of mail - As you may recall, Hyrum broke his glasses and didn't pack his spare, so my mom has tried to send me his glasses twice now, and both times they would not let them through customs cause the mail package didn't have an ID number for Corey written on it. The first time she thought they didn't want to let the essential oils in, so she took those out and resent it, then the second time it still got returned, We were tracking it and called them when it was being held in customs (for 5 days) and asked what they needed, they needed his ID number, we gave it too him, but then they said since it wasn't written on the original package they had to send it back. So stupid. Corey asked "So, you're saying I'm not allowed to receive mail?" Not without his ID on it. They have to protect him from himself and kids glasses. I'm sure they knew it was just glasses, my mom said after the first attempt she could tell that everything had been opened and re-packaged. We were sure they opened the mail on the second attempt and knew it was just glasses. So dumb. Reminded us of when they wouldn't let me on the plane in Chile to come home to the US without Corey's written and notarized permission. By reason or by force.... and usually they don't choose by reason. And the US isn't without it's own little stupid obsessions... The TSA made poor Ethan break down in tears when they wouldn't let him bring his hair gel on the plane to Orlando, and he'd just gotten it for his birthday too! It was his favorite gift, just heartless of them, and all cause it was over 4 ounces and was a semi liquid. (dumb!) American's also love being offended. I read that article after hearing the glasses had gotten returned the 2nd time and it made me laugh out loud several times about the US's little quirky obsessions.

So, I had been planning on being on my own today anyway, so no problem for Corey to crash in bed. While he napped, we had our regular day of reading, then pool time, and then music practice before our Portuguese lesson. The kids played some games of pool tag, which they all seemed to enjoy. Natalie was easier to watch cause she had a new distraction - it's her new favorite activity that she calls "Wee-wee-wee!"
It's where you go "wee!" lots of times as you spin on the hammock. We don't have another hook to hang it up properly, but found one lone hook that seems to be doing a good enough job to keep these little ones entertained.
Good enough! They either spin themselves, or I'll go push them for the jungle swing...
Or we do the helicopter spin. 
It's every toddlers' favorite game!