Thursday, April 23, 2015

One Month Ago...

Well, we started out on this little adventure one month ago. The days go by like weeks and the weeks go by like days. Actually, looking back, that wasn't so hard (usually easier to say in hind sight). We're already like a third of the way through! We talked with the kids last night about what they have to show for the past month of freedom. They all need to do more personal reading and music. Hyrum in particular got some scrutiny... you haven't been practicing your music everyday, have you? You had better get crackin' if you're gonna be ready for tour in July.

Did I mention that Corey bought our tickets home? We knew we had to be back by July 13th, cause that's when the band tour is for Joseph, Ethan, and Hyrum. Just last week Corey bought tickets to leave a littler earlier than we originally thought - we leave July 1st. I guess that's probably wise to get back with a few weeks of pregnancy to spare. We also thought it would be fun to be back before the 4th of July - our wonderful little neighborhood and community always have a fun celebration planned. Plus being back for the birthday of the USA, especially coming fresh from another country, will really be a "I love America" memory the kids will remember. 
Are you feeling homesick, Natalie? Do you miss your brothers or your crib? Miss your toys? 
No, she's just tired. That's her "I'm so tired I forgot how to fall asleep" face. Although that expression is similar to how the other kids look (Abi) when they get a little homesick for their former life.
Well, it will be over before you know it, it's going to all pass "away like as it were unto [you] a dream" (Jacob 7:26), so better enjoy it while you're here. And we are.