Friday, April 24, 2015

Pudim and 'Punzel

We had a fun Friday. During our 2nd week here, the wife of Rafael, Nathy, came and taught Melodie how to make "pudim" - aka pudding - with sugar, sweeten condensed milk, and eggs. Melodie made it today all by herself and it turned out great! Abi's smiling here, but she doesn't like the pudding. I think it's an acquired texture.
Natalie is addicted to the tablet. I can't let her see it. If I do, I either have to hand it over or I have to listen to her scream for a while. I usually opt for her screaming. I just don't think it's healthy for a toddler to know how to navigate YouTube. She can get there all by herself and is a little too touch screen happy. Like if she had a remote and a tv, she'd be switching the channel every 3 seconds. Could be ruining her attention span.
She'll try to touch and tap every and any screen - the tv, the computers, she's addicted. But she's cute. And what about her sidekick, Sophi? Sophi's doing well at playing healthy little girl games with her toys. She's glad that we brought all the Disney Princess magiclip dolls.
Lately she's been playing a Rapunzel and Eugene game that is super cute. Hyrum's been a good sport and he usually plays the part of Eugene. He said it's funny (and a little boring) cause it's the same 2 minute game over and over again in an endless cycle. This is how it goes, says Hyrum: Rapunzel and Eugene dance. A bad guy comes and takes Eugene. Then for some reason Rapunzel's crown breaks and she cries about her broken crown (who cares about the boyfriend, right?) Then somehow the crown gets fixed. Eugene escapes. They both fight the bad guy (usually the bad guy is Hyrum's or Sophi's hand in a scary spider monster shape). The bad guy loses, of course. Then they dance again, and the cycle starts over again. Pretty funny. Sophi calls Rapunzel 'Punzel, and she still calls herself Fofi. :)