Tuesday, May 12, 2015

3 in the Afternoon

It's just past 3:00 on Tuesday. Wesley and Abi went to work with Corey. They brought books to read and then they get to watch a movie or two. I haven't been to Corey's office yet. Well, I walked by it on a date night, but haven't been inside. But the kids like going in with him sometimes.

As for us here at home, let's see what all the kids are doing. I was pushing Natalie in the stroller from room to room as I swept, and she nodded off to sleep in my room holding her baby tiger swaddled in one of my skirts.
Melodie is in the other room practicing flute.
Sophi is playing with Lily's legos in the front room.
Hyrum is eating crackers in the kitchen. 
I ask him where Lily is. She's on the hammock. I go outside, she's riding her hammock horsey.
Hyrum followed me out and takes a few rides on the carry on luggage, which is one of his and Wesley's favorite new games.
Hyrum, you're a weirdo. Back into my room, Natalie is beautiful. 
I'm going to go finish sweeping and then I'll help Hyrum find a book to read.