Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Storms or Sunrises

Sunday night we had a beautiful evening thunderstorm. Lots of lightning and the rain was just pouring down. We were all in Melodie's room and opened her door so we could watch the storm. The lightening lit up the whole sky over and over again with flashes of white and blue and pink and purple, we loved it. We thought the camera pictures made it look like daytime.
Looking out Mel's door toward the pool and patio
Went to go take a peek out the front door.
I love rainstorms! 
One bad thing about rainy weather though is that it made our Monday just a gray day. Drizzled a little bit, but mostly it was just cloudy and gray. But we'll take more cloudy days if it means more lightening and thunderstorms! Come on rain and thunder, come give us another beautiful show! I guess it's a trade off, I can have a storm or a sunrise. This morning it was a nice sunrise ~
The moon looked beautiful too~ though cameras can never capture how the moon looks.