Friday, May 1, 2015

May Day

This morning as I went on my 3 mile morning walk around Parque Portugal, I saw the police putting up barricades to close off the road. They do that on holidays and Sundays, so I guess today is a holiday! Fun, another day off of work for Corey. It's May Day/Labor Day/International Workers' Day. Woohoo. What should we do for fun on this holiday? How 'bout swim? The kids having races into the pool ~
Playing pool tag - you can become "it" by getting tagged or if they hit you with a floatie.
And they also played a lot of "Marco Polo". I don't know if they knew how to play Marco Polo until they saw the Studio C sketch about it. The water is getting a bit cold for the kids - the weather isn't too cold yet, but the pool is in the shade most of the day. But they just clench their teeth and jump in. It's always a party. :)