Friday, May 29, 2015

Secret Sitting Spot

The kids have been playing nicely today, the weather is cool and crisp, it feels like fall. Yesterday and this morning it was cloudy and rainy, but this afternoon has been lovely. Aside from Natalie pouring out almost all of my practically full bottle of frankincense essential oil while I was at the store, I'd say that today has been one of the most pleasant days I've had here. On the bright side, Natalie and my closet both smell very nice and the floor looks nice and polished. I'll see if there is still time for me to have more frankincense shipped to my house before Joseph and Ethan come with gifts from the promised land for us. I'm glad I found Eden's Garden, cause I can get some frankincense for just $10 there. If I had to order it from doTerra again for $70 I'd probably be really upset with Natalie. The kids have been playing nicely today. While they played, I went out to read at my secret spot. It's right on the corner of the front porch.
It is the safe place for me to read without interruption, I can hear the kids but they can't see me and don't look for me there! They can't see me from the back patio... but I can hear them and can come out from my hiding spot without giving away my location. haha!
It was particularly lovely this afternoon. Here are a few shots from my current happy place - looking to my left (east) where there is a banana tree - with two bunches of bananas growing on it! Fun
Looking south - lots of lovely green can be seen in our yard and over the wall at the park across the street.
Looking south west, at our gate, the car gate is behind the bush there.
And looking west, where the kids could spy me if they ever came searching for me out the front door.
My current read - reading about the miracles during the Revolutionary war. I love it!
When I read a book, the kids like to leave their mark in it as soon as I step away to tend to them. Natalie, I'll miss your toddler hood someday.
Here is the mega fort the kids made in the front room - not just with couch cushions this time, they brought out the mattresses from their bedrooms. Major fort there.
Wesley was the builder of the fort, as well as the prince who reigns there.