Monday, June 1, 2015

Next Month!!

It's the first day of June! Hooray, it's June!!! June June June! I went on a short morning walk and saw the sun rise. I'm happy to greet the new day and month ~ Yes, I'm very happy June is here!
Do you know what June means! For me, I'm mostly excited that JUNE means that I can now say that I am due "next month!" That means my day of deliverance is nigh at hand! Maybe I'm not destined to be pregnant forever. (it feels like it's been forever!) This trip has helped me not to think about it though. The morning walks across the park have helped my hips tremendously I think. I'm able to sleep well, except for when my arms to numb, whichever one I happen to be laying on. But I'm glad that my hips haven't started hurting yet, but I guess they've still got time. So, yeah, I'm really excited about it being June. Ok, fine, I'm actually not due until August 3rd, but I fully expect and intend to be induced at 39 weeks, so mentally I've always just had July 27th as the end game date. And I'm going to keep it that way. So, yeah, "Next month!!"

And, being June 1st, also means that we have exactly one month left here in Brazil. We fly out on July 1st, arrive in Utah on July 2nd. We're really on the final countdown now. We are so excited for Joseph and Ethan to come in almost a week! They leave next Tuesday and will be here next Wednesday. I really haven't counted down that until the past 3 weeks - before that it was still too far away, and the best way to cope with things that are far away is to not think about it. But 3 weeks, that is close, so we've been counting down the past 3 weeks and are super excited to see their faces and be all together again. We might all go to the beach again and are for sure going to go eat out at a real churrascaria (Brazilian steak house) I think we're going to go to Estancia Grill in Barao Geraldo, which holds memories from both of our trips down here, plus it is really good!

This is their last week of school. Last Friday was the "COW" at their school, time to say goodbye to being a SBO and welcome in the newly elected officers. There is Joseph on the right.
And they've had other end of year type of stuff - they had their black tie event with their jazz music group where they both looked dapper - I saw pictures of it, but can't find them. Will try to post later.

What else.  We had a nice weekend ~ Friday night we went and had a nice dinner with some people from Corey's work at the home of one of M0v1e Mouth's investors, Wilson. It was great. Corey and I both agree if we could live in a secured compound like that, we might consider living in Brazil. But Corey would need to be able to helicopter in, as the drive over there almost did us in. I was channeling a lot of negative energy, cursing the whole transportation system and all the drivers of the whole country... The gps said it was 15 minutes away, took us 45. We started following each other, then Corey got lost behind me, then I took a wrong road at a spaghetti bowl which put me on a 5 mile detour till I could turn around at a retorno that terrified me. I vowed that if I took another wrong turn (I blame the roads) that I was just going to go home. Had people zipping in front of ya, I swear I'm amazed we don't see accidents everyday they drive so crazy. But I finally got the right exit, and as we waited in a long line of stop and go traffic, lo and behold there was a little Fiat car with Corey in it and his little friends, so then I started to have hope again. But his gps wasn't taking us in the right place, so he had to use the gps app on his phone, and we were driving through who knows where and I've about had it with all the round abouts here. We went this way and that and around another 6 round abouts for 20 minutes on our way there, still thinking no dinner could be worth all this effort and hassel. But when we arrived we were grateful and felt like we could breath - the home was inside a hugely secured neighborhood compound, and once you got through the front security gate, there were no gates and fences! Like you saw garages and drive ways with the cars parked in front of them, and you could even go touch the cars if you wanted. I dare say there might even be a sense of community and neighborly love in that place. We had a nice dinner, the kids played in a ball pit and colored and we sang John Denver songs as Rebecca played guitar (She's only been playing for like 4 months - Mel and I both want to learn how to play now!)
Then on Saturday morning, Corey taught another GMAT class at the church. Always gets a good turnout, way to go sweetheart.
And then he rushed home to pack a suitcase in less than 5 minutes and he was off! Yes, off to the airport cause Corey and his 3 amigos were going to go see Iguaçu Falls. They are staying at the National Inn Foz Iguaçu. I stayed home with the little kids cause it was going to require more effort than either of us wanted to extend to take them along. Plus they wouldn't remember it anyway, So I stayed home with them and Wes volunteered to be my helper. (I asked Corey to not leave me with Abi, she's too high maintenance!) Wesley is my sweet chill child, and has been content to play games with his little sisters this whole weekend, thank you Wesley!!

Corey said they did a little bit of exploring around the hotel and area on Saturday evening. Hyrum and Abi wanted to go swimming... He thought he might as well get it over with. He told them it was cold, but they had to experience it for themselves. It was super cold, but they just couldn't resist the slides. They only lasted about 5 minutes though
Sunday they went to church at the Foz do Iguaçu Ward, met 4 missionaries from the US. Seriously, wherever it's legally allowed, anywhere in the world, you will find a ward or branch of the church and LDS missionaries. I love it. We did a 4 way skype call tonight, Corey and kids in Iguacu, me and my crew here, and Jospeh and Ethan, both on their respective cell phones.

So, they are visiting Iguaçu today with a member they met at the church who does tours. I'm excited for them, I think Mel is going to especially love it, she's my little nature lover partner in crime. It looks beautiful, I'm sad I missed it, but Corey promised to take me some another time, and I've promised to take Wesley and Lily.