Monday, June 15, 2015

Birthday Feast

Happy Birthday Corey! He had a birthday Brazilian barbecue last year, and this year, since we're in Brazil this time, well, just makes sense to do it again, right? And lucky me, at church some friends found out it was his birthday and so they invited us over, so nice! Lunch was delicious: two delicious salads, rice and beans with a delicious tomato onion salsa that I have to figure out how to make, and farofa, and I loved the mandioca they served - they made a dish that was like a delicious type of potato casserole, so good. Then of course the steak and sausage. Corey and the kids enjoyed chicken-heart-kabobs. I almost took one, then Corey told me it was chicken hearts, and I promptly withdrew my reach. I have tried chicken hearts once, and haven't been willing to give it another go since.
After lunch and visiting, they brought out cake and ice cream and we sang happy birthday to Corey.
Seems like only yesterday that we were just over there for Sophi's birthday! (cause everyday is Sophi's birthday...)
Oh wait, yeah Sophi! It's your birthday again! So we sang to her and let her do the honors of cutting the cake.
The kids think their house is the birthday house. Sophi was excited about the star candle.
After having cake and ice cream, it was time for Joseph to head to the airport. Off to Santiago Chile for this young man. Everyone say goodbye to Super Joe!
Wait, we're missing someone... Natalie! Ok, now everyone say goodbye again.
Corey and Joseph left for Sao Paulo, and the rest of us stayed to play a bit more. They played with toys for a little while and then Bianca invited us to watch Cinderella - "The new Cinderella?" Yup! "In English??!?!" Wow! We get a second chance! Yes! Well, can't say no to that! Over to the home theater
Do the kids look comfortable? Even though we'd just enjoyed a feast and desserts, the kids accepted their offer for popcorn and drinks. Does the hospitality ever stop around here? After the movie, they played a little bit of soccer and played with the bird. The older kids were pretty excited about their cute cockatiel bird.
They have three cockatiels, but only one of them likes to be held.
The kids were all having a hard time being patient for their turn. So there was a little bit of fighting over the bird. And I have four kids who want a pet bird when we get back to Utah.
I told them I wasn't making any promises. The only thing on my list for when we get back is to have a baby. I'm not promising a bird right now.
I give you permission to try to ask me in August or September after junior gets here. Not promising I'll be interested in entertaining the idea then either though.

After we came home, the kids had a Portuguese lesson with Renata. Then the kids cleaned the house for Corey's birthday present, and they did a great job. We had dinner, and then enjoyed more cake and ice cream - Melodie had made Corey a chocolate cake this morning, the kind that Nathaly taught her to make. Now we're all totally stuffed from a day of celebration. Hope you had a good day sweetheart ~ xoxo!