Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sunday Musical Number

Yesterday at church the kids did a musical number to "A Child's Prayer". We had Joseph on the clarinet, Melodie on flute, Ethan playing as softly as possible on the saxophone, and Wesley and Lily singing the "Heavenly Father..." part and Hyrum and Abi singing the "Pray, he is there" part. Some people were so lost in the moment of the music, that they accidentally clapped after the kids were done, cute. After church, we went up to Sumare again so we could get a report on Rafael and Nathalia's vacation to Florida, and so that they could all meet Joseph before he leaves for Chile tomorrow. We had them bring their instruments so they could do their musical number again.

Sophi went up to participate in the musical number at church, even though she never practiced with the group at home. Plus she doesn't know the words. Well, I guess she knew a few. Mostly she just smiled. That's all people want to see anyway, right ~ those cute little sunbeams. At their performance at the bbq, she took a few mid-performance breaks to go grab more chicken...
Natalie was super cute playing with the dolls and toys at their house.
I think she's going to be super surprised and excited when the baby is born, she seems ready to be a little mother.
Lily is so not shy about eating food and then asking for more food, it's gotten a little embarrassing on more than one occasion.
Two drumsticks in her right hand, a cake in the left, and another drumstick in her mouth. And she asked for a bag of Doritos on our way out, which they gave her. Yeah, in US culture that is a kid displaying bad manners, but they are so nice about it. Yeah, she's only 5, but still, Lily, this has got to stop when we get back to Utah.