Thursday, June 4, 2015

Last Swim Day?

Today the kids went swimming. I guess after braving the pool at the hotel at Iguaçu, they figured they could handle the cold temperatures up north here. Mel is smart and knows it's not fun to swim in freezing water, so she stayed clear. Wesley jumped in and lasted a few minutes, then he was smart and came out too. Abi and Hyrum just don't have a lick of sense in them.
They could have gone longer, but it's not as fun when there's not a lot of people. I don't blame Lily or Sophi for swimming, they were just following their older siblings. Sophi wanted me to put on my swimming suit. No way, it's cold. Corey is nice and put on his "swimming soup" per Sophi's instructions. He didn't get in though. I forbade him, he's got a weak constitution. I don't want him to get sick and die.
So he took Sophi by the arms and lowered her in, hoping she'd feel how cold was and choose to be done. He  she was excited she could touch, and after jumping up a down a few times they all went and took a warm bath in our big tub. Before this, they hadn't been swimming for over 3 weeks here. It was starting to get cold a few weeks ago, but the main reason they haven't been swimming is cause the filter of the pool water needed an outlet repair... The pump is loud and was set to run for like 8 hours a day. It's really noisy, and after falling asleep to it one night, I could hear it was still on in the morning and was sick of the noise, so I thought I'd go unplug it and give our ears a break. It is outside by the water pump thing (picture 2) And what did I find - it had shorted or something and was stuck on "on"- one of the plugs had totally melted away.
Yikes. Good thing it's outside and that these walls are make of cement, cause doesn't that look like it could have started a fire had it been in a USA wall of sheet rock and wood? Yes, glad I unplugged it. That looks like a fire hazard. So - it took a few weeks before an electrician was able to come replace it. He finally did last week. Now it's been set to run for 3 hours twice a day, which makes the noise less noticable to me. So, after that got fixed we let it filter water for a few days, but the pool was still dirty cause the pool guys hadn't come for a while since it was broken. But they came and cleaned it this morning, so now it's looks nice and clear, thus why I gave my okay for the kids to take a dip. (Even though I think they're nuts!  It may be clean, but it's still freezing!) Maybe this will be our last swim day, but they want to swim with Joseph and Ethan when they come out next week - we'll see if they're able to talk them into it.