Friday, June 5, 2015

Lazy Mornings

I am really going to miss my quiet mornings here. This morning I got up around 6:40 and read my scriptures - I'm reading the Old Testament cover to cover for the first time in my life. I started last week, 10 days into it and today I finished Joshua. Then I quietly practiced piano so as not to disturb the little people. Around 8:30 I heard Natalie. I could hear her singing "Let it Go" to herself, which she does when she's happy and has gotten enough sleep. It's super cute (cuter at 7 than at 4 a.m, which has happened a few times!) Good morning, little happy girl!
Love your pretty bright eyes!
Corey usually wakes up when she does. He came stumbling out saying he is going to miss his lazy mornings. I said in a too cheerful tone "Well I'm going to miss my productive mornings!" I get a lot done when I'm not busy with the kids and all their needs. So it's nice, I'm going to keep enjoying it while I can. Any productivity will also probably go out the window when the baby comes too. Yes, will enjoy it while I can. Keep snoozin' everyone, take your time, not rush to get up.
 Natalie showing me her "baby"
I have to give her her "baby" before she'll fall asleep at night. - below she is saying "He so cute!"
She was making me laugh, hence the photo overload. Just too cute!

When Natalie wakes up, then everyone starts to wake up, cause she goes around and pokes them and calls them by name - "Sophi! Sophi!" "Hyrum!" and will play with her toy by them. They love it when Natalie wakes them up.