Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Talent Show & Cake Night

Well, the noite de talentos and bolo Americano has come and gone. I think it was a pretty good activity. Good turnout, I was happy that the cakes all came together well. I was thinking I'd have to spend two days cooking them, but made them all today. Yesterday we cut out the cardboard for 9 cakes and wrapped them in foil. Today I made a run to the mall/Walmart for more eggs and for plastic plates and cups, then started cooking around noon. We made 4 chocolate cakes, two big ones and two small heart ones - Devil's food, German Chocolate, Double Fudge and Chocolate Supreme (with a few local chocolate cake mixes to stretch the batter). Two Angel food cakes on the far left, the three oval cakes were Blue Velvet, Strawberry, and Funfetti.
The blue one here was a white/vanilla cake with Aqua Blue frosting. Sophi, are you ready for cake night?
Corey was the master of ceremonies, and only had to have someone come help translate his PorteƱol once.
Ethan was the opening act, then we continued the talent show and opened the cake table for people to go enjoy cake. Not sure if it distracted people from listening to the talent, but I think it was okay.
We had ice cream too, provided by the bishop. It was nice to start the activity with all the cakes made and ready, rather than trying to keep up with demand like at the pancake night.
We ended the night with cake to spare: two cakes with 3/4 left and two half cakes that we were able to send home with others.
I think the biggest hit of the talent show was when Corey invited any little girls interested to come up on the stage to sing "Let it Go". I put Natalie up on the stage, and she didn't know why I was abandoning her for a minute, but then she saw Elsa up on the big screen. I stayed close by and encouraged her to let it go!
I was loving it, she's so cute! Yes, I'm biased, but I'd say she stole the show, especially when she'd do the actions like this~
It was so cute. That musical number was my favorite performance of the evening. Overall - I'm glad this activity is over cause they always weigh on me a little bit, and I'm glad and grateful cause I think it all turned out great. Now I can officially relax and start to think about and plan a little for our departure. We leave next Wednesday night, so we're really on the home stretch now.