Thursday, June 25, 2015

Wes is 10!

Another day, another birthday~ Happy Birthday to Wesley! What did we do for fun for you? Well, as happened with Lily, he already got his one present in May, which said present I squeezed into all our luggage when we came to Brazil in March. It wasn't much, but as good as I could do under the circumstances - cause I ain't going to buy anything here. Ethan and Hyrum have been nagging me to buy legos, "just one little set!?!? How come you were able to buy legos in Costa Rica but you won't buy them here?" I don't remember how much those cost, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't triple the US price. But, boys, the main reason is cause we're almost done here, and I'm not going to spend triple $ on something that we can buy next week in the US for a less obscene price. "But I've got $20 reais! I'll buy it myself!" Yeah, good luck with that. So we did actually leave the house today for Wes' birthday and we stopped at the toy store in the mall -
...the girls ran to the pink side, and the boys went to the boy side where they were able to see for themselves all their options and all the many things they could buy with $20 reais. I didn't have to explain anything, just let the sticker price do the talking. They were appalled that a small dinky set cost $60 reais. That's what I was telling ya boys. I ain't gonna buy any legos here. We'll give Wes a few more gifts after we get back. As for now, let's go wander around the mall some more. By some miracle, we went into another toy store and found something that Lily had requested - there were only three left - a pink zebra. Ok, we'll get it. This one costs about the same as in the US, so we got it, Happy birthday from your dad, Lily. (and nice photo bomb Abi)
We bought some treats and gifts to give out to family and friends when we return. Anyone want a Kit Kat? (Kit Kat's are a big deal here.)
AND for the birthday boy - lucky Wes got a McDonald's hamburger and his own fries! (Nice photo bomb Mel, what's with my kids?!? I gotta start paying better attention I guess.)
Love ya Wes. We'll have another party for you after we get home. You're a good sport.