Thursday, July 23, 2015

3 Good Things

I think I'll share some good and happy things from yesterday. First - these pretty day lilies from our front yard.
I missed all the spring flowers - the roses and daisies. And I've noticed that whatever rose buds have tried to come up have been eaten by the deer. I'm glad the lilies are still here. I took that picture last night around dinner time. We were all at the table enjoying our Wednesday night breakfast for dinner when it started to rain. But the sun was still shining. I told the kids rain + sunshine = there was probably a rainbow. That is lovely thing #2 - The kids ran outside to check if there was a rainbow, came back with cheers of yes, then we all ran outside. Then I ran back inside to get my good camera. 
The rainbow was so bright!! There were two arches  - you can see a little of the other one in the top left corner there. It went all the way over ~
Our house was at the end of the rainbow.
My phone camera didn't capture it well, so that's when I ran inside to get my other camera, but then the rain slowed down. But it was still lovely, we noticed several neighbors coming outside with their kids too - I love these fleeting and simple beautiful moments, was glad we all took a minute to enjoy it!
Also, my third good thing from yesterday, we got a new kitchen faucet! The old one was only about 4 years old - it was installed after we first moved in in 2011, but it was loose and had a few issues with leaking if we pulled out the handle too much. I wanted to fix it before we left for Brazil but didn't make it happen. Glad the baby gave me a new deadline. Got it done today, yay! Here's the old:
And the new!!
Isn't that lovely? Very happy with it. 
Have a good day! Going to go keep nesting the house, we're all excited for Monday! (but trying not to think about it too, trying to keep myself busy and distracted!)