Friday, July 24, 2015

Pregnancy Lasts

I've been taking care of a few "lasts" before Monday. One last yesterday was to clear out the stack of blankets, pillows, sheets, and towels that we had collected in the garage. I took them to the refugees at South Parc yesterday evening. We took a lot of different things around Christmas time, then another time we took toilet paper. I think next time we need to bring some toys for these cute kids.
They were pretty excited about the blankets and pillows, but something tells me toys would really bring excitement. I want to do more for these families. I'm so grateful that they are safe here in Utah, I wish that I individually and we as a nation could do more to help people who are suffering in the world. If you want to help refugees in Utah, send Don Ward a message on facebook, he's great and knows the needs of the families. Here is a short news clip about him and his efforts to help the refugees.

Today was a holiday in Utah - Pioneer Day. We all slept in - no parade watching or anything. Someday when I'm not with child or with toddlers we might be ambitious enough to celebrate with a hike or something. Still, it was nice to have Corey home with a day off from work. He took the kids miniature golfing at Boondocks and then came home exhausted. He took a nap and then we went out for our last pre-baby date night - went to Luna Blanca Taqueria, it was a nice place and good food. On my list of errands and lasts for tomorrow: I'll be going to the temple for the last time for a few months. And then in the afternoon Mel and I are going by Walmart to order her some glasses. Then stocking up on bagged cereal and milk at Costco and I think that should help the kids survive for a few days if I'm out of commission. Almost there...