Thursday, July 9, 2015

Beanie Boos

So, Beanie Boos became a favorite toy of the kids during our time in Brazil. They kept the little kids entertained over a whole weekend when Corey took the older kids to Iguacu. And then of course there's Natalie and her baby. When Joseph and Ethan came down, I had plans of ordering some on Amazon or asking someone to go by the toy store and get some more, so they could bring them as gifts for the kids. But then time got away from me. But now we're back, and I know the store that sells them! I can go buy some anytime I want! On my way home from a prenatal visit yesterday, I went and got some. I got a pink cheetah baby for Natalie's blue leophard baby, and I got another unicorn for Sophi...
I got a pink giraffe for Abi (she lost her pink giraffe in Brazil) and I got a fox for Lily cause I thought the fox was cute. And an elephant for Wes for when he feels like playing down to his little sisters' level (such a nice brother). The little girls never have their babies far. At breakfast this morning, Natalie's babies were flying.
Hyrum calls it a "gravity problem." He plays with his little sisters a lot too. They toys will be talking, saying hi, and then all of a sudden they have a gravity problem and woah! ~they start to float up!
What happened to the gravity! What's happening! Wee! We're flying!
And then they do it over and over again. Today at breakfast the pink unicorn also died. But then she came back alive cause of the powers in her horn.
I love seeing the big brothers play with their little sisters. It's cute, they see the fun and innocence in their little sisters' games and like telling me about it (Like in the Rapunzel game at the end of this post). Here's a few pictures of the Beanie Boo game in Brazil. There the game usually consisted of all the animals greeting each other... "hi!" "Hi!"...
then standing on each other's heads, which is what everyone does after saying hello, right?
then having an anti-gravity problem, then gravity would suddenly return and they'd all fall down
then they'd do it again. "Hi!"
 "Let's stand on each other's heads!"
Woah ~ Anti Gravity problem! and we all fly away!
It's fun. I've got good kids.